Polymathy and Interdisciplinarity in Premodern Islamic Epistemic Cultures
Welcome to the website of the research project ‘KNOW: Polymathy and Interdisciplinarity in Premodern Islamic Epistemic Cultures”
Our aim is to write a history of knowledge in premodern Islamic cultures, viewed through the lens of interdisciplinarity and polymathy. Our approach is based on the premise that knowledge is a dynamic process involving interactions between different epistemologies, and that scholarly disciplines are composite and historically contingent. The main objectives of the project are outlined on our about page. Our team seeks to understand how efforts to integrate knowledge shaped the epistemic cultures of the time.
We encourage you to check out our kunnāsh, the collective research journal, structured as a series of essays relevant to the project.

The KNOW research project has been generously funded by a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council. Further support has come from a starting grant from the Ghent Special Research Fund.